Interpreting these symbols correctly is of the utmost importance if you want to understand what is happening in the world today.
We here at the Gazetteer have compiled a few of them into this one work which will be added to and republished occasionally as “updated” versions.
How the interpretations were arrived at will be understood by most as you study them you can see our geopolitical environment in the bible.
For brevity sake we add very few comments, visit the Gazetteer Newsletter at for a more complete pontification.
An asterisk (*) will be added when there is some flexibility as to the exact declaration of a symbol.
We start with the elephant in the room, The Book of Daniel.
Daniel 2:
Before the head and therefore not shown is Assyria, next is the head, Babylon, the chest and arms, are Medea and Persia, keep them separate unlike the commentaries who like to lump them together for a little sleight of hand deception later on, next is the belly Greece, then come the thighs Rome, next the feet as The Mohammedans who ruled over the Holy Land beginning circa. July 30, 634 AD until 1923 where they suffered a head wound that later gets healed, which is in process, as a revived or neo Ottoman/Mohammedan Empire that will have a 10 nation alliance through religion and purpose regarding Jerusalem with The Toes who are ten of the recently created Arab Spring States or possibly the newly form Organization of Turkic states, they are the same as the 10 Horns in the Book of Revelation.
Here we can see the seven Empires who have held dominion over the Holy Land since its conception, the immoral peoples of these empires are symbolized in this soon to emerge Seven Headed “Red Dragon” government in Revelation Twelve, who will revive the Ottoman/Mohammedan Empire under the leadership of the Antichrist once again as the 8th which is of the 7 (Rev. 17:11) and who will eventually overrun half of the city of Jerusalem. (Zach. 14).
Daniel 7:
The first Beast is beyond doubt The West with most probably *Greece at the titular head, again because of a desire for brevity we do not elaborate as to why with this article.
The second is Russia, and note it’s told to “rise devour much flesh” albeit the Holy Land will not be part of its meal.
The Third is Iran, spare us from explaining here, see The Beasts of Daniel Seven.
The Fourth is the Revived Mohammedian/Ottoman Empire.
Note v12, that the first three are in existence at and continue their governance a little season after the Lord returns, they have no designs on Jerusalem, while the fourth (a muslim empire) does and is therefore completely annihilated.
Zachariah 1:
The Horses in the bottom are God’s agents who keep tabs and checks on the powers that rule on the earth.
The Four Horns are Greece, Rome, Mohammedian and a Revived Mohammedian, better known as a neo Ottoman Empire.
The Four Carpenters are God’s agents who did and will put a end to each in their due time.
Zechariah 2-5 will be dealt with later, the candlesticks, Flying Rolls, the Olive Trees and Golden pipes all can easily be understood, however the Basket with the Lead lid and woman inside carried to the land of Shinar have reference to the current situation with Iran and the sanctions imposed upon them by the United Nations.
Zechariah 6:
The first Brass Mountain is the trouble they were having in 520 BC rebuilding the Temple and city walls, the Second Brass Mountain is the trouble they will have in chapter 14 at the end of the age.
The Four Horses pulling chariots come chronologically or between those dates and are as follows:
They are angelic powers who keep in check the following world powers:
We will pass over Zach. 11, the Staffs Beauty and Bands and the Three Shepherds and proceed to Revelation.
Revelation 6:
The political figure here is in verse 2, and it’s the Antichrist, riding a White Horse with a military (bow) and a Crown (political position) who will head up the revived Ottoman Empire and has his seat in the Turkish Nation the same as before. (Rev. 2:13)
Revelation 12:
You will never put the end time prophecies together unless you accept that The Woman here is at least the Church in Turkey and probably somewhat symbolic of all God’s assemblies the world over, and that the Man-Child is a small group within the larger who will experience a rapture of sorts to God’s throne, and are destined to rule over the nations after the Lords soon return, (3 1/2 years?). See Rev. 3:10, 2:26.
The Red Dragon government here with its Ten Horn confederacy (Arab Spring States?) will attempt to seize control of the City of Jerusalem of which half, he will capture initially through proxies, as shown in Daniel 11:41 but will ultimately enter himself as seen in Zechariah 14, Matthew 24, 2 Thess. 2, a day or a very few days before the Lord returns.
The “flood of water” people under government orders, v15 out of his mouth are refugees and possibly citizens of his own country and others including Egypt*.
Revelation 13:11:
*Another Beast, with Two Horns, will be apostate *Christianity in two forms, some mixture of Greek, Catholic, Russian, Serbian or Eastern, in our minds Coptic, Serbian and Eastern do not fit well for reasons we will not pursue here, but the purpose of this Beast existence will be to solidify control over as much of Jerusalem as possible by way of religious and political passions, thus the consenting to the Islamic Minaret (image that speaks) and to the Mark of the Beast (some form of affirmation that Allah is god and Muhammad his prophet). You should consider that this will be happening in very trying times for all the inhabitants of the world will be in great travail caused by the controversy of Zion, better known under the modern banner “The Two State Solution”, Isaiah 34:8; Rev. 3:10.
Revelation 17:
The Great Whore is Saudi Arabia who through the riches gotten by way of her Wine (oil) has spread a fundamental form of Islam (Wahhabism) throughout the world causing mayhem and passion for control of Jerusalem we see today.
The beast that carries her is Fundamental Islam yet we see it beginning to turn on her as she gravitates to western culture. See our other teachings for more information in understanding the religious, political and social imagery and how it relates to the current environment. This article is just a primer, and meant to stimulate your thinking.
The Woman is that great city…Mecca, the city by the sea, Jeremiah 49 where the pitch (oil) will burn in the ground with the black smoke billowing for the duration of the millennial age. Rev. 19:3.
Revelation 19:11:
The End
Written by toby lee,
This article was not compiled haphazardly, but carefully crafted to include certain information that would inspire thought, all angles and questions you might have, were pondered and the answers determined, if some persist with you visit the link below and ask your question.